SIEX - Sistema de Informações de Extensão

25775 - I Simpósio de Ritmos Biológicos: da fotodetecção a regulação da melatonina
Ano Base: 2024
Tipo de ação: EVENTO
Programa preliminar

Programa preliminar: Palestrantes internacionais 1. Mario Eduardo Guido - Argentina Seeking for non-canonical photoreceptors and light-inducible molecules in the inner retina of diurnal Facultad de Ciencias Químicas-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Natureza da apresentação: palestra cientifica (30 min) 2. Natali Guerreiro Vagas ¿ Cidade do México Dim light at night is a disruptive factor for the circadian system of the female Wistar rat and its offspring. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México: Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, MX Natureza da apresentação: palestra cientifica (30 min) 3. Claudia Torres Farfan - Chile Maternal melatonin treatment rescues endocrine, inflammatory, and transcriptional deregulation in the adult rat female offspring from gestational chronodisruption Faculty of Medicine, Austral University of Chile, Valdivia, Chile Natureza da apresentação: palestra cientifica (30 min) Palestras Principais ¿ palestrantes nacionais 1. Luiz Menna-Barreto ¿ Brasil - USP History of Chronobiology in Latin America and Brazil Natureza da apresentação: palestra principal (1 hora) 2. Ana Maria de Lauro Castrucci ¿ Brasil - USP From fish pigment cells to photopigments: And what took me there¿ Natureza da apresentação: palestra principal (1 hora) 3. José Cipolla-Neto - Brasil - USP Melatonin and the metabolic adaptation to a cyclic environment Natureza da apresentação: palestra principal (1 hora) Palestras Científicas ¿ palestrantes nacionais 1. Maria Nathália Moraes ¿ Brasil - Unifesp Unveiling the impact of advanced glaucoma on non-visual functions in mice: exploring the connexion between central and peripheral biological clocks in the regulation of metabolic and neuroendocrine process Natureza da apresentação: palestra cientifica (30 min) 2. Fernanda Gaspar do Amaral ¿ Brasil - Unifesp Pineal melatonin synthesis: what do we know so far? Natureza da apresentação: palestra cientifica (30 min) 3. Maristela Oliveira Poletini ¿ Brasil ¿ UFMG Non-light cues and the regulation of circadian time system: new targets for the time-restricted feeding effects on metabolism Natureza da apresentação: palestra cientifica (30 min)

Objetivos e Resultados Esperados: Encontro cientifico entre pesquisadores e estudantes da área de fisiologia e cronobiologia. Espera-se com o evento ampliar as colaborações entre os palestrantes e disseminar o conhecimento.

Programação do evento: 12/09/2024: 10:00-10:15h Opening ceremony; 10:15-10:30h Lecture in honor to Prof. Luiz Menna Barreto by Clarissa; 10:30-11:20h Opening lecture: History of Chronobiology in Latin America and Brazil. Speaker: Luiz Menna Barreto - USP, Brasil; 11:30-13:45h Lunch; 14:00-14:30h Non-light cues and the regulation of circadian time system: new targets for the time-restricted feeding effects on metabolism. Speaker: Maristela Poletini - UFMG, Brasil; 14:30-15:00h Pineal melatonin synthesis: what do we know so far? Speaker: Fernanda Amaral - Unifesp, Brasil; 15:00-18:00h Poster presentation and Opening Cocktail; 9:00-9:15h Lecture in honor to Profa. Ana Maria Castrucci by Maria Nathália Moraes e Maristela Poletini. 13/09/2024: 9:20-10:10h From fish pigment cells to photopigments: And what took me there... Speaker: Ana Maria Castrucci - USP, Brasil; 10:10-10:40h Cofee-break; 10:40-11:10h "Non-visual photoreceptors in the in the inner retina of vertebrates mediate light responses in the blue spectrum region. The seminal contribution of Prof. Ana Maria Castrucci. Speaker: Mario Guido - Universidade de Cordoba - Argentina"; 11:15-11:45h Unveiling the impact of advanced glaucoma on non-visual functions in mice: exploring the connexion between central and peripheral biological clocks in the regulation of metabolic and neuroendocrine process. Speaker: Maria Nathália Moraes - Unifesp Brasil; 11:45-13:45h Lunch; 13:45-14:00h Lecture in honor to Prof. José Cipolla-Neto by Fernanda Amaral e Rodrigo Peliciari; 14:00-14:50h Melatonin and the metabolic adaptation to a cyclic environment. Speaker: José Cipolla Neto - USP, Brasil; 15:00-15:30h Dim light at night as a disruptive factor for the circadian system of the female Wistar rat and its offspring. Speaker: Natali Guerreiro Vagas - Universidade Nacional do México - México; 15:30-16:00h Cofee-break; 16:00-16:30h Maternal melatonin treatment rescues endocrine, inflammatory, and transcriptional deregulation in the adult rat female offspring from gestational chronodisruption. Speaker: Claudia Torres Farfan, Austral University of Chile, Chile; 16:30-17:00h Poster award and Closing Ceremony.

Estratégias de Divulgação: O evento será divulgado através de e-mail institucional e internet (site, instagram e LinkedIN)