SIEX - Sistema de Informações de Extensão

25992 - Integração de banco de dados de indicadores de crescimento para crianças e adolescentes da Nova Zelândia: achados do estudo de escopo
Ano Base: 2024
Tipo de ação: EVENTO
Programa preliminar

Programa preliminar: Measures of growth are important recognised indicators for monitoring progress on this goal, nationally and for vulnerable subgroups. However, New Zealand currently lacks subpopulation information on prevalence, trends, and determinants of healthy growth for 0¿19-year-olds. Such information is imperative to enable equitable improvements in the health of children and young people. In this talk, Dr Teresa G Castro will present findings of a scoping study she led in New Zealand which assessed the potential for creating an integrated national dataset containing historical data on growth indicators for 0¿19-year-old children and adolescents disaggregated by calendar year, sex, age group, and key sociodemographic characteristics (ethnicity, socioeconomic deprivation, and rurality). The study consisted of mapping potential existing data sources to contribute to a national dataset (from 2002-2022); assessing their characteristics, comparability, and suitability for inclusion in the national dataset in the future (intended to be made available to end-users); and describing the requirements that would need to be met to create such an integrated resource for New Zealand.

Objetivos e Resultados Esperados: Aproximação entre pesquisadores brasileiros e NeoZelandes

Programação do evento: Apresentação em inglês seguida de perguntas e discussão em português.

Estratégias de Divulgação: cartaz e divulgação por email para os programas de pós-graduação em Nutrição e outros no país